

New Directions Community School of Orlando

This alignment will allow students to easily transfer their credits to local zoned high school. Some students attend NDCS to recover credits and get into their right grades. On the other hand, some students who were unsuccessful in traditional schools attend NDCS due to the small learning environment.

Becoming a Sponsor is welcomed and encouraged by NDCS. The majority of NDCS students will be first generation college graduates. Therefore, NDCS would love to have as many sponsors as possible.

NDCS also has its own student body to increase the overall academic success of each student. The student body plays a critical role in ensuring that the school is following the current trends in education.

The NDCS commitment to parents and students is unprecedented in the area of assisting future at risk for drop out or failure, school students with an opportunity to meet with academic, personal and career awareness skill success.

Each child  can and will learn. It is the responsibility of the school to develop diverse and multi- leveled programs that reach and teach each child toward maximum learning achievement. Standards based curriculum are used as the foundation for instruction; it is in its delivery that NDCS will achieve individual student success.

The BASI is a norm-reference test. All students, specifically 11th and 12th graders are encouraged to take the ACT, SAT, PERT, TABE, and ASVAB test if applicable. NDCS can help the students on site to prepare for these standardized exams.

The school is accountable to students, parents, tax payers, stake holders, board members, school district, and Florida Department of Education by providing quality educational options for the at-risk school student. The school use strong fiscal and financial principles while ensuring a sense of financial responsibility and accountability on the part of the administration and the governing board.

No, we are classified a private school per Florida Department of Education.

Yes, uniforms are required. Students are required a school uniform shirt. They can wear khaki pants or jeans. The jeans must not have holes in them.

Yes, your child will be allowed to bring their cellphone to school. However, they will be asked to keep them on silent..

Yes. All students are encouraged to bring a clear book bag to school. Only clear book bags are allowed