
About Us

New Directions Community School of Orlando


As the president of NDCS, I would like to welcome you to a very unique, non-traditional private school. This private school has been in operation for three years.

Throughout the three years, the program enrollment has tripled. We currently have a waiting list and expanding our educational programs to various other counties in the State of Florida. NDCS was designed to meet the academic and behavior needs of students in a non-traditional way. NDCS offers flexible schedule, and small learning environments.
Students are encouraged to use their electronic devices to enhance their academic courses.

Each student is given a learning plan based on their individualized needs. NDCS is a great place for students who has or have demonstrated difficulty increasing their academic learning gains in traditional setting. In our non-traditional setting, each student will benefit from a hybrid education (combination of face-to –face learning and computer based instruction). NDCS continues to produce the next generation of scholarly practitioners.


New Directions Community School (NDCS) mission is to provide dropout prevention, credit recovery, and academic interventional services through alternative education. NDCS is designed for at-risk students in grades 5-12 who are in danger of failing, have failed, in need of dropout prevention with academic interventions, are referred by another school in the district, or are over-aged in school. The school’s vision is to create a small school community with focused and differentiated direct instruction in which all students are valued, accepted for who they are, and encouraged to challenge their academics toward excellence through individualized progressive student learning plans.

As the focus of NDCS is on the individual student’s needs, success for the student must include academics, social and life skills, coping and interpersonal skills, organizational, communication and study skills. The students are trained in the basics of education, while improving academic performance, self-esteem, social and civic responsibility in an atmosphere that promotes “thinking out of the box” with individualized and personalized Student Learning Plans (SLP).

The school is built upon the cooperative efforts of parents, families, educators, community members, and businesses for the common good of providing challenging and rewarding experiences for all its students. One of the schools most valuable resources is the community. NDCS works with community groups to develop partnerships focused on increasing academics as well as assisting in developing the student’s social and civic responsiveness.

These partnerships can include, but not be limited to, mentoring, tutoring, community
service experiences, counseling, health care, speaker’s bureau, staff development and
entertainment for student incentives and rewards. The community interactions provide the students with a sense of connections to, and leadership in, the community. These community rich experiences will enrich the self- confidence necessary to achieve in their future academic pursuits, school and beyond.